I've been thinking about something that pops into my thoughts frequently, year after year. I stopped by Butte High School to watch Gavin's "Pee Wee" wrestling practice last night. Gavin wasn't expecting to see me there because Travis was with him. I stood in the doorway and noticed the minute when Gavin glanced over to see me. He looked, processed my face, waved and continued on with practice. I think it's so amazing, how we each have these libraries of faces in our brains. Every face I take-in goes through this mental search to see if there is a match.
I was watching Nate Holland snowboard in the winter Olympics, last winter. My sister and I hung out with Nate when we lived in Sandpoint, and worked at Schweitzer. I was watching him fly through a course and I thought, I'm in his brain!! If he got to the bottom of the course and scanned the crowd, and saw me somewhere within his supporters, his brain would say, "person is a match" and he may say, "Minnesota Twin!!"
I think that's incredible!! Simple but NOT so simple!! Think of all the people we've been in contact with ...from high school, college, work -etc. I picture pull slots at a casino ...bringing up eyes, nose, mouth features until ...ding ding ding ...and a smile, a hello or a possible subtle about-face ensue!!
I think it's even better when that mental search comes up with a "MY" label as it finds it's match. That's "My" friend ...she's "my granddaughter," "my sister!!" Those are the really fun ones to come across. I used to love to drive 24 hours, to my parent's house, just to walk in the house and have their eyes search and then light-up with the "my daughter" look!!
I think back to meeting friends. How both they and I went from being a person in the park, in a restaurant or a classroom to a confidant and how our eyes went from searching for clues ...to lighting up with recognition, now. It's a fun thing to have "my" labels pop-up.
Now, I'd better get "My" butt in gear and get Gavin to preschool!! I'm thankful for everyone who causes my brain to search, match and smile because they are the jackpot that sets the bells-a-ringing and the treasures abounding!!