Thursday, April 22, 2010


I'm just out of an evening bath with flower-smelling hair and pajamas to make all feel in its place. Travis is working but has the next three days off. Gavin and Jessie are watching "The Gummie Bears" before heading to bed.

It rained today. The kids, and I, walked to the park and were enjoying swinging and sliding when sprinkles started to fall. Gavin told me to put my camera away so it wouldn't be ruined in the rain. Funny the things he observes at such an age (4!) Travis drove up to give us a ride home and we ended up going grocery shopping together. Well, it turns out that "3 Bears" grocery store now has a large sporting goods section! I did the grocery shopping while Travis picked out lures!

I've been finishing paintings for the May 6th artwalk in uptown Butte. I added hanging wire to all of the completed work and stacked them together against a wall. I hadn't noticed that green is the dominate color lately! It is what's on my mind however: green grass, trees, spring growth!! My abstract self-portrait is done now! I open my eyes to it every morning and it makes me smile (not much green in it!) I love that I have painting, photography and writing to express myself. I'm a bit obsessive with the photography but the painting brings a nice balance to my life. I dab color, when I take a moment, and soon ...there is a canvas filled with something of my life.

Have I mentioned that I'm in love with this life? I'm thankful every moment for this connection to such a time, such a place ...such people and so many more to know. I feel, sometimes, like I'm glowing inside ...with incredible love. Travis has been teasing me because I've mentioned how it feels like we're (kids and I) always on vacation!! We've struck this rhythm together where each of us does our thing but we have lots of fun time as a family as well. Travis has to work crazy hours but in-between, we have a lot of fun!

Last week felt like the kick-off to summer. Jessie G and I went to a branding at the Patrick Ranch on Saturday. Sunday, a bunch of us drove to the Ringing Rocks and climbed around and then had a bonfire at golden hour (I overdid the photo taking a bit ...felt like I missed being PRESENT for a good part of that gathering because I was snapping photos.) It was like a big prayer being up on the mountain at sunset. Monday, the four of us floated down the Madison River ...catching no fish but enjoying water, wildlife and "family time." Every time one of the kids (or me!) would tangle our fishing line, loose a lure, have paddle to the riverbank for a pee break, we would say, "Family Time!!" reminding ourselves that the main objective wasn't the fish!

Green ...back in the swing of frequent outdoor life.

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