Saying hello to 34 tomorrow! Julie, Stephanie and Sonia are coming over for coffee and bringing cake just before lunch! Annie is headed to Dillon but she and family will be back for Gavin's party on Saturday. Jessie is going to be on the road ...coming back from a week in Minnesota. I have a feeling that I'll feel her good energy headed towards me at 80 mph all day!!
Gavin and I had birthday celebrations, with all of the Trudgeon Family, last Sunday. Travis and I went for a ride, on the 4-wheeler, through the Pipestone mountains and up to Ringing Rocks, before dinner. Charlotte said we had an hour to run around. Just over an hour later, Travis asked if I wanted the main road or off road terrain? I said, "Main road!" He tried to sway my decision saying, "I haven't ridden these in years." Okay, I said. We ended up on a beautiful hill way up over the interstate. I was happy to have been persuaded in that direction!
Monday, we headed to the hills to cut firewood. Gavin was excited to try out his new work gloves and it was a beautiful day. As soon as all of the smaller logs were loaded, Gavin and Jessie decided to set-up camp in the truck. Travis and I loaded the trailer, I split my pants trying to push a tree the opposite direction that it wanted to go!! We got it though (with the help of tie downs!! You are right about tie-downs being great presents Jessie!!) Ten, or so, trees later ...we split a beer while the kids blasted excellent music from the truck. We were happy to have a soundtrack to go with our drink and our accomplishment! Now the house shall be warm for the winter. A fire is burning now!
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